(Alcoholic) OH YES! (MonsterZ) The meaning of it is not about when you were 4 years old asking mommy to shut the closet door the monsterz might get you. The word Monsterz could be used for lots of things. Last night he ripped out your best friends girl a new asshole now your upset, or he drinks the piss end of the bottle even when there’s a cigarette soaking at the bottem. Kicking open up the stairs neighbors door throwing there kids sneakers out in the street screaming your gonna kill them wile garbage cans are throwen through there windows WINK! WINK! There isent too much thats gotta be said 3 Goons by the names of… Kardiac/Doc.Mangler/Many Faces. All with drinking problems with nothing to Prove but getting smacked in the face with a bottle can start off todays song. 12 steps to the bottom Drink Drive and die intoxicated
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