Sent to reek havoc on society, Psycho have formed from the ashes of a corrupt world bent on greed, rage, and lies. The Psycho Sick have come…straight out the Asylum, and time is arrived for the insane to conquer the sane. It runs crazy through the streets of Detroit, in everyone and everything. From the poor and starving to the rich and greedy. You can’t escape it because you live it. This is every skeleton in your closet. This is what you’ve labeled crazy. The message started softly and has grown louder and stronger as it will continue. This is everything you have ever gagged yourself from feeling, saying, or thinking.
The image you have designed for yourself to hide who you really are. This is honesty, pain, happiness, anger, and every other emotion that has a name to describe. The suppressed feelings you have had in yourself for so long, but banish us for saying. This is a product of everything this society has created built on others misery, misfortune, and personal anguish. This is the demolition of the fantasy of happiness you have created for yourself. This is what you live and this is how you’ll die. This is nothing and this is everything. This is all that is right and all that’s wrong. This is Psycho Sick…
I picked up a copy of “The Asylum” at Hot Hits in Roseville, Michigan back in 1999. Still have it here. This is the first time I’ve ever seen anything about them online. Do you have any more info or links? Cheers from Detroit + North Carolina! – Jay (Placenta Recordings/Dental Work/Devil’s Night Gangstaz) 😼