Deviant Horror (often referred to as just Deviant) is an American hip hop duo from Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Formed in the summer of 2016, Deviant Horror is a husband/wife Juggalo Rap/Horrorcore duo composed of Shane and Persephone (formerly Tai) Coats, who perform under the respective personas of Ratchet and Sukkew (Suck-You). They released their debut album “Blood, Sweat, & Tears” in 2018, and their second full length album “7h3 3nd.” early Spring of 2020.
Group Members
Blood, Sweat, & Tears (2018)
7h3 3nd. (2020)
Shane Coats of Devient Horror was arrested on 05/17/22 for sexual batter of a minor under 13 (his own daughter). A simple Google search of the name, Facebook #shanecoats and the victims of shane coats page can be seen from outer space!