Home » Summer Night Ghoul » The Girl in the Horned Goat Mask

The Girl in the Horned Goat Mask


She’s every bit of ungodly and fearsome yet seductive
Instilling a morbid fascination somewhat repulsive
Capable of inspiring an unmitigated
Terror in the heart of the unsuspecting and rarely jaded
Fiendishly clever in the way she approaches
And catches you off guard when you were too distracted to notice
Even the horrified observe her in amazement
Bewildered by her flawless figure and flesh untainted
From the surrounding wilderness where she’s been sighted
Also appearing on lawns and yards dimly lighted
Always quiet and having never spoken a word
At least nothing that anyone claimed to have heard
Unbeknownst to myself that I would be the first
And at the age of 11 while playin’ in the dirt
I’d hear my voice in a soft non-threatening tone
Only to look up and feel my body chilled to the bone


I think I saw the Devil’s daughter
As a stark naked girl in a horned goat mask
Standing ankle deep in muddy creek water
I’ve spent my life tryin’ to forget her
I think I saw the Devil’s daughter
As a stark naked girl in a horned goat mask
In the background of the photograph that caught her
Will I see her again? I pray to God I never


I felt unable to blink and couldn’t move a muscle
She ran her fingers through my hair while inside I struggled
To fully comprehend what was happening at the moment
I stood there frozen until the silence was broken
By my mother’s voice callin’ me for dinner
I looked away then looked back but she was gone…
And never spoke of it to this day
I’d be 17 when I’d see her again
I was starin’ at the stars when she approached and would begin
To straddle me / Diggin’ her nails into my shoulders
I just laid there frozen with my mouth open
That was the night I lost my virginity
She took it from me rather grotesque and mercilessly
I pray to God that I never gave her a child
Cause I know it’d grow up to be equally just as vile…
I pray to God that I never gave her a child
Cause I know it’d grow up to be equally just as vile…